Five Myths About HVAC Maintenance

In most American homes, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are a common household feature. What’s more common are the myths associated with the maintenance and usage of the HVACs. Like most myths, which bring more harm than good, these misconceptions regarding HVAC maintenance reduce the lifespan of HVACs and result in frequent AC repairs.


To add to the longevity of your HVAC systems and increase efficiency, here’s a list of the five most common myths regarding maintenance of your heating and cooling system that we’ll debunk. Not only will this blog clear your misconceptions but also prove to be fruitful for your pocket.


No Need for Regular Maintenance

According to most homeowners, if their HVAC is functioning well, it doesn’t need regular maintenance. This is entirely untrue as the HVACs in perfect condition are also prone to wear and tear or emergency damages. By regularly inspecting your HVAC, you can identify potential issues and prevent hefty repairs by 95 percent.


Frequent Filter Changes are Unnecessary

Most people opt to change their HVAC filters only once a year and find it adequate. This is again one of the things that can cause your HVAC to work harder and eventually shut down due to extensive pressure. A dirty filter can clog the system, putting it under pressure to cool the house efficiently. By changing your filters every few months, you can avoid long-term damage to your HVAC.

Duct Tape is Good for Sealing Ducts

Many homeowners in the U.S. rely on duct tapes to seal their ducts; however, these don’t adequately seal the duct, allowing cool air to escape, increasing your energy consumption. Investing in professional HVAC services is the best way to ensure that your ducts are efficiently sealed.


Turning off Idle AC isn’t Energy Efficient

Often when you leave your home, you don’t turn off the air conditioner. This is due to the common belief that switching the system on and off consumes more energy. Again, this isn’t true and for reduced energy bills, turning off the AC that isn’t in use is a good idea.


Thermostat Location is Unimportant

Often during AC installation, homeowners ignore the location of the thermostat. Many find thermostat location an unimportant factor in determining the HVAC’s performance and energy consumption. The thermostat’s location heavily influences both these functions, and one that is near direct sunlight (heat) will cause the HVAC to work harder, thus resulting in higher energy consumption.


Professionals Know the Best

To get the best HVAC maintenance and AC repair services, get in touch with us at Florida Breeze. With many years of experience in AC installations in Cape Canaveral, Titusville and Palm Bay, we know them inside and out of the best heating and cooling practices. Don’t rely on myths and hire professionals to get the optimum results from HVAC systems. Schedule an appointment right away.

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