How to Boost Your Home’s Value With HVAC Upgrades

Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies found that home owners are spending large sums of money on home renovation projects each year, however, the return on investment isn’t as much. The ROI is crucial when you’re investing in home improvement projects with the aim of selling your home. Even if you don’t plan on selling your home any time soon, it’s always good to work on the value of your home, especially with housing prices fluctuating.


While adding a patio and working on your backyard can increase the value of your home, homeowners tend to forget that simple upgrades to your HVAC system can also improve your home’s value.


Here are some HVAC upgrades that will improve the value of your home:


Improve the insulation indoors

Poor insulation in a home leads to loss of cooling indoors. Not only does that make Florida summers unbearable, but it also puts immense pressure on the air conditioning unit.


Improving the insulation is a cost-efficient home improvement project to invest time and money in, it’s also an easy fix. Fiberglass is a cost-effective material that improves the insulation of a home so that your HVAC system can work efficiently.


Energy efficient windows

The number of windows installed in a home can affect the level of cooling indoors. Loss of cooling can mainly be attributed to inefficient window installation. 76% of the sunlight that enters a home is converted to heat and air conditioning systems often can’t keep up.


Invest in energy efficient windows like double or triple-pane vinyl insulated windows. If this is out of budget for you, you could always invest in window coverings too.


Smart thermostat

Developments in technology have made it easier for homeowners to regulate various factors in their homes with the touch of a button. Smart home systems can switch on the light bulbs in your home as well as your television.


Sticking with this smart technology, smart thermostats have also been developed to help regulate the temperature in an easier way. You can control your home’s temperature for the entire day by preprogramming it. It can be programmed to switch on just in time for you to come back home after work so that you walk into a cool home and can instantly relax.


Florida Breeze can help you out if you’re looking to have a new air conditioning unit installed. Our experienced technicians provide air conditioner unit installation, AC repair service in Cocoa Beach, as well as maintenance services. Call (321) 951-8767 to schedule an appointment.

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