The Cool Benefits of WiFi Controllable Thermostats

Thermostats have come a long way from the old days of “hey, throw more log on the fire!”. They have become settable, programmable, and most recently WiFi controllable.

Welcome to the world of smart thermostats!

That sounds pretty cool, doesn’t it?

Well, WiFi controllable smart thermostats don’t only sound cool they offer many benefits to homeowners.

Here a few of those benefits:

They can be controlled from anywhere

Heading home after shopping? Coming home early from work? In bed, and wish it was a bit cooler? Well, you don’t really need to be physically present near your thermostat to adjust the temperature settings.

If you’ve your mobile device linked to your thermostat, in other words if you’ve a WiFi thermostat, you can just log on and let the thermostat know how you’d like the temperature to be.

Control your thermostat from anywhere – inside the house or outside the house.

They help you save energy

Okay, now this is the coolest part about them; they’re excellent at saving energy.

Let’s say you are going on a trip. In the rush to catch your flight, you forget to set your thermostat at “vacation mode”.

Thermostat “home alone”—horror!

You don’t need to worry however. Remember, you can control your WiFi thermostat from anywhere?

Your home is in safe “energy saving” hands.

Furthermore, depending on your energy usage needs, a WiFi controllable thermostat is also capable of automatically adjusting the temperature of your home, which creates room for more energy-saving opportunities.

And when you save energy, you not only reduce your carbon footprint, but you also lower your energy bills.

They can provide helpful maintenance reminders

With WiFi controllable thermostats, you don’t need to worry about missing on regular (or important) system maintenance.

How come?

These thermostats are designed with the ability to provide helpful maintenance alerts—say, the air filter needs to be changed—and updates based on a robust feedback mechanism. This keeps you well informed on every maintenance aspect of your HVAC system.

Are you interested in installing a WiFi thermostat for your home?

Contact Florida Breeze today for a free service quote; we provide reliable Air Conditioning supplies in Brevard County.

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