If you’re planning to sell your home, you most likely expect it to be sold for a certain price. After all, you’ve spent years living in it and know the value of living in that neighborhood.
You’ve gotten renovations done—repainted the living room, added a splash of color to dull bedroom walls, and reinstalled the kitchen cabinets.
But when potential buyers offer less than what you expect, and estate agents tell you there’s nothing they can do, it makes you wonder if there’s something wrong with your house.
We can tell you one thing for sure: there’s absolutely nothing wrong, but you’ll be surprised by how a few efficiency upgrades can increase the value of your home!
Here are a few you should consider:
A Programmable Thermostat
It doesn’t matter whether it’s winters or summers, a programmable thermostat is essential for the modern-day home.
Whether you’re sleeping or away from home, you can set the temperature according to your needs. In addition, you’ll save up on utility costs. You’ll be able to preserve energy resources.
Potential buyers who are looking for cost-effective solutions and a way to protect the environment will find a programmable thermostat to be a valuable addition to the property.
Wall and Attic Insulation
A well-insulated property is valuable because it decreases energy-consumption and saves costs.
Furthermore, if the walls and attic aren’t insulated properly, you could risk losing cool air during the summers and hot air during the winters.
This, in turn, will force you to increase/decrease the temperature, resulting in high bills.
Replace Your Old HVAC System
During the winters, you need to keep the temperature regulated. You also need to make sure that the house is well-insulated. A broken HVAC system may be the least of your concerns because you plan to move out. But it can affect the value of your home significantly.
Consider replacing your old system with a new model. Old units tend to consume more energy, resulting in higher energy bills. On the other hand, newer units use the latest technology to ensure maximum efficiency.

Old HVAC systems use older parts and, therefore, need to be repaired every now and then. They also aren’t designed to work according to the changing weather and climate. Furthermore, new units have automatic settings that can be adjusted according to your needs, or the temperature inside your home.
In conclusion, it’s the small things in life that make the biggest impact. Making these changes can increase the value of your home significantly.
We offer expert AC repair Palm Bay. Give us a call at (321) 951-8767 and get your HVAC system evaluated and see if you could benefit from a new system.