Why the Routine Maintenance of Air Conditioners and Heating Systems Is Important

In the long hot summers of Palm City, your air conditioners and heating systems work hard enough. They deserve to get treated by an expert technician that can check every component. While you may find delaying routine maintenance tempting, you’ll end up losing these benefits:


1. Increases Longevity

Your HVAC system will last considerably longer if you keep it well-maintained. With regular maintenance, you might help the system exceed 15–20 years of lifespan without any major need for repair. Moreover, it can save you a nice chunk of money.

2. Reduces Energy Consumption

Researchers suggest that air conditioners can lose their efficiency by 2–5% without regular tune-ups. However, regular maintenance can help reduce energy consumption.

3. Reduces Wear And Tear

In the US, air conditioners and heating systems run about 2000 to 3000 hours a year. Due to such high usage, they’re susceptible to wear and tear if you don’t get them checked regularly.

4. Enhances Reliability

Regular maintenance helps catch even minor problems to avoid potential damages. An expert technician can pinpoint problems and increase the reliability of the HVAC system. With regular tune-ups, you can cut down almost half the cost of all breakdowns.

5. Lowers Ownership Costs

Experts say that air conditioner and heating system maintenance has 500% returns on investment. Regular tune-ups help lower energy bills, avoid premature systems, and reduce expenditure on repairs.

6. Keeps Your Home Safe

You must’ve heard the horror stories of people coming to their frozen and severely damaged homes. According to the CDC, exposure to carbon dioxide can be extremely hazardous. Preventive HVAC maintenance can help you safeguard your loved ones from carbon dioxide poisoning.

7. Help the Environment

If you’re worried about your carbon footprint, remember that a well-maintained HVAC system consumes less fuel, and that’s definitely good for the environment. To further help the environment, you can also switch to natural gas from oil.


Get in Touch with Florida Breeze in Palm City Today!

If you’re looking for professionals for your HVAC system, we’re here to help. We provide AC installation and repair, and maintenance services across Palm City. Our technicians are extensively trained and can get the job done for you in no time.

Contact us today!

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