Beat The Heat With These Dorm Room Cooling Tips

Switching from one bedside to another while you’re drenched in sweat is no fun at all. But thanks to increasing greenhouse gas emissions, the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions predicts a significant rise in the coldest and warmest daily temperatures.


As a result, the annual number of days that have a heat index above 100 degrees is likely to double. As college students adjust to a new school year, beating the heat in dorms is a major challenge.


Most freshman and sophomore residential facilities in the U.S colleges have no air conditioning. Therefore, most students, especially in coastal states, spend their summers in the unbearable heat. The lack of proper sleep this leads to affects students’ academic performance. 


Cold showers and fans can only do so much to help you in this heat. So without further ado, here are some tips for beating the heat in your dorm room this year. 


Keep Sunlight Out

Sunlight means heat energy. Having your room’s windows and blinds open during the day can make your room and the objects in it hot. In fact, direct light can heat the flooring, increasing the dorm room’s ambient temperature.


Close your curtains or lower the blinds, especially during months with extreme heatwaves. The more you do this, the better your room’s fan will cool the space!


Switch To Cotton Sheets

Even though they’re cozy, fleece and flannel sheets and blankets will end up becoming your worst nightmare during the summer months. As soon as you sense the summer heat intensifying, start packing away your seasonal bedding and switch to light bedding fabrics like cotton or linen.


Cotton and linen are more breathable and light. You could also try the Egyptian method with cotton sheets; dampen a towel or sheet in cold water and use it as a blanket to make the intense summer nights a lot more bearable. 


Make A DIY Ice Fan

If you’re a DIYer, this trick is for you. Fans usually blow hot air during heatwaves. Create a DIY aircon system with a roasting pan or an icebox. Fill the container with ice and place it in front of your room’s portable fan.


The fan will pick the air from the melted ice’s surface, creating a nice cool mist in your room. This trick will surely make your summer sleep a lot more pleasant. 


Purchase A Portable AC

When trying to keep your dorm/apartment cool, one last option is investing in a PAC (portable air conditioner). Your dorm room is a small space with limited cooling needs; a PAC focuses on specific areas and provides perfect cooling throughout the day and night—all with low operation costs.


PACs have built-in casters and are moveable from one room to another if you choose to share them with friends. They are energy-efficient and can also dehumidify the air.


Reach out to our local air conditioning service to learn about the most suitable PAC options for you.


Let us, at Florida Breeze, help you purchase the best AC systems for your dorm room to keep you cool throughout the summers. We’re proud to partner with brand name providers like Goodman and Carrier. Connect with us today.