Consequences Of Not Changing The Air Filter On Your HVAC System

Unfortunately, most people don’t take care of their HVAC systems until it requires repairs. The biggest source of air conditioning failure is clogged air filters. Dirt, dust, and allergens build up in the filters and eventually prevent the air from going through it.


How do air filters work?

Air filters in an HVAC system are typically made of spun fiberglass; sometimes, they’re made of paper with a cardboard frame. These filters are placed over the air vent of the system to prevent contaminants and other particles from being released and prevent such particles from entering the system. Air filters block lint, mold, hair, pollen, dust, and bacteria.


How often must air filters be changed?

There are various air filters available and each has its own schedule for optimal performance. Basic air filters should be changed every month or two months, depending on how dusty it gets in the area. Homes without pets can change it every 90 days, while homes with one pet should stick to a 60-day schedule. Single-occupant homes without pets can get away with changing the air filter twice a year.


What happens when you don’t change the filter?


Higher energy costs

Energy costs are one of the top two utilities of a home. Having inefficient systems due to clogged air filters only adds to those costs. When air filters are clogged with dirt, the cool air cannot easily flow through the system. The air conditioning system will have to work in overdrive to provide the necessary cooling indoors.


Poor temperature control

Clogged air filters put excess strain on the air conditioning system and the airflow tends to be restricted too. The air cannot reach where it’s needed adequately, leaving warm spots around the home.


Health concerns

Clogged air filters trap contaminants that negatively impact the health of family members. Since it holds onto pollen, mold, bacteria, pet hair, etc., these contaminants end up back in the air everyone’s breathing. Poor indoor air quality leads to respiratory problems, dizziness, fatigue, irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, as well as headaches.


If mold is growing in the air filters, the health implications include wheezing, asthma, shortness of breath, fever, and wheezing.


Clamped up coils

Evaporative coils remove the heat in the air to keep the home cool. These coils can freeze up when overworked. A clogged air filter doesn’t allow an optimum flow of air over these coils, which leads to their failure. This issue is also comparatively more expensive to fix than getting a new air filter.

Florida Breeze offers AC repairs in Melbourne, FL. We also provide installation and maintenance services for residential and commercial units. Get in touch with us at (321) 951-8767 to book a service.